Monday, August 19, 2013

A Delayed Introduction

Being a fairly new Physician Assistant means that I make a lot of introductions. I have been spending quite a bit of time introducing myself to physicians and nurses, a variety of other co-workers, and--of course--patients. I've pretty much got it down, so let me introduce myself to you, my beloved reader:

I am an Emergency Medicine Physician Assistant who works in Chicago, and one who enjoys his time spent in the ER, busy as hell managing anything from stubbed pinky toes to heart attacks. I also have a small following of patients that see me at a Chicago family practice clinic. Whether it be in the ER or in the clinic, I keep my eyes open for ways healthcare can be improved for the patient. That is, in essence, the purpose of this blog: to identify ways that the patient can benefit from healthcare policy changes, new technology, or research.

In my last post, I suggested that the final (largely missing) piece to the team-based approach to medicine is the emphasis on the patient. My reader, whether you are an attending physician or an ordinary citizen, you have been a patient at some time, and as a clinician, I value your insight.

Throughout the blog, I will occasionally be asking for stories of your experience with medicine. Did you have a particularly good or bad experience seeing your healthcare provider? I'd like to know what made it so great (or not-so-great). Have you seen some new technology or research that is bound to change the world of medicine? I'm also interested in seeing it. Email me at

I cannot promise that my posts will always address medicine, but when they do, it will certainly be from the perspective of a PA, or the way a provider looks at healthcare. I also hope to provide a point of view that comes from the patient; after all, I too am a patient. Ideally, by exploring both sides of healthcare, we can jointly find an elegant solution that both makes the provider and patient happy.

Happy reading,


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